ǿ Ű ȯմϴ


䳢: ְ ̸ Ʈ Ʈ Ұ

ȫ | 2024-09-16 20:21:29

ȸ : 866

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䳢 - پ

䳢 پ 帣 ֽ ̸ ִ ְ ƮԴϴ. , θǽ, Ÿ پ 帣 ̾߱⸦ Ͽ ڵ ο ߰ ֵ ݴϴ. 䳢 ⿡ ȭ ֵ Ͽ ڵ鿡 ְ ̸ մϴ.

䳢 - α Ѵ

䳢 䳢ε Ҹ, ڰ ȣϴ پ Ƽ ݴϴ. ֽ α Ѵ ־ ڵ ڽ ⿡ ´ ã ֽϴ. 䳢 پ 帣 Ͽ ̿ڿ ſ մϴ.

䳢 ֽ ּҿ

䳢 ּҸ ϹǷ, ֽ ּҸ ã ߿մϴ. ּ ̷° ֽ ּҴ پ ä ˴ϴ. , λ̵, ڷ׷ Ŀ´Ƽ ֽ , ּŰ Ʈ ֽ ּҸ Ȯ ֽϴ. ֽ ּҷ ϸ ĸí ̵ ٷ ̿ ִ ȳ˴ϴ.

䳢 ü Ʈ õ

䳢 Ʈ , 䳢, ֽϴ. ̵ Ʈ 䳢 ϸ鼭, մϴ.

ڴ پ ϸ, ̽ ټ 鿡 մϴ. ڿ ļ 2 ǰ Ȱ ̿ Ͽ 䳢 Ǹ ü Ʈ ڸ ֽϴ.

䳢 پ 帣 ȭ ϸ, ģȭ ̽  䳢 Ǹ ü ڸ ֽϴ. ȭ䳢 Ҹ, 䳢 ϴ ǰ ã ֽϴ.

Ư ģȭ ̽ α⸦ ֽϴ. پ 帣 ϸ,  ֿ켱 ־ 䳢 Ǹ ü Ʈ ڸ ֽϴ.

䳢 ̿ ǻ

䳢 Ʈ ̿ VPN ϴ ϴ. VPN ϸ ȣ Բ ֽϴ. , 䳢 ̿ , Ϲ ڰ ó ޴ ϴ. 䳢 ڿ , Ϲ ڴ ַ ϰ ֽϴ.

䳢 , ̸ , ֽ , , , 䳢 , , Ʈ õ , 䳢 ü Ʈ


䳢 NEWTOKI ֽ ּ ٷΰ
䳢, ̸, ̸Ʈ, ̸̹, , ̹, 䳢, Ű, , ȣڹͽ, , , Ʈ, , , Ḹȭ, Ḹȭ, ȭ, , ȭ̸, ڹͽ, «, ž, 丸ȭ, , 䳢 - ̸

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  • ũԺ
    - toonkor ֽ ּ ٷΰ
    ڴ ̹ īī ڹͽ « ͽ ž ȭå ̸ ٽú⸦ մϴ

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  • 䳢 Ϻȭ
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  • ̼迡 ο ȯ Ѵ ȭ Ẹ, ٽú
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  • ī to ī ȭ Ẹ, ٽú
  • ޾ ״ϱ η ȭ Ẹ, ٽú

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    䳢, ̸, ̸Ʈ, ̸̹, , ̹, 䳢, Ű, , ȣڹͽ, , , Ʈ, , , Ḹȭ, Ḹȭ, ȭ, , ȭ̸, ڹͽ, «, ž, 丸ȭ, , 䳢 - Ҽ ڷ

  • ǿ ҽù ʹ Ҽ Ẹ, ٽú
  • Ⱦҽϴ Ҽ Ẹ, ٽú
  • , ϽǰԿ Ҽ Ẹ, ٽú
  • ﱹ : Ƶ Ǿ Ҽ Ẹ, ٽú
  • Ҽ Ẹ, ٽú

  • BlackToon
    BlackToon - ̸
    ϰ Ʈ Ǽ ̹,,īī,ڹͽ

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    ġ 䳢 ̤ 䳢 bl 䳢 130 manatoki newtoki215 ũ װ ھ 䳢 Ƹ manatoki130 8 ȣ 䳢 θǽ 䳢 170 ȭ Ʈ 䳢 ȣ ̵ 䳢 ž web toon manatoki134 ̹ ̸ 䳢 166  Ƿ 䳢 Ҽ 䳢 ̹ ִ Ǿ ȴ 䳢 ij ¥ newtoki 142 ǽ 䳢

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